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National Register 2010

B Sharps Jazz
We're Still Here!
So what's New???
I am hoping that we are making progress on the new Construction. I had NO IDEA it would be this Cumbersome. So.... the project is still in play, but it has been an experience.

So, in the mean time.. I decided to publish my Children's short stories... which are also FAMILY STORIES.
They're just PURE FUN even after all these years.
Do you still remember how to laugh??
Oh, in keeping with the JAZZ TRADITION,
the stories are "improvised"
Or "extemporaneous" in the Lit World.
OH, my audience?
My Grandchildren!
They were a rough bunch, too!! So If I could make them laugh, y'all aught to be pushovers.
We've had an incredible week. I posted a story. Take a listen and keep your good spirits matter what!
Just push the arrow and enjoy.
The Adventure of the Haunted Library
2023Copyright GHSEAY
Adventure of the Haunted LibraryDr. Gerri Seay
00:00 / 12:57

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